Anwar Study Point

সফলতার সাথী


সোমবার, ৩ মে, ২০২১

Right Forms of Verbs : Rules with Examples

▪️Right Forms of Verbs Rules with Examples 
▪️Right Forms of Verbs - এর নিয়ম ও ব্যবহার 
▪️Right Forms of Verbs - এর সহজ নিয়মাবলী 
▪️Right Forms of Verbs - এর শর্টকাট পদ্ধতি 
▪️Right Forms of Verbs Pdf download 
▪️Correct Forms of Verbs Rules with Examples 
▪️Proper Forms of Verbs Rules with Examples 
▪️Right Forms of Verbs - এর সঠিক নিয়ম 

Rule - 1  :- বাক্য যদি Present Indefinite Tense হয় এবং উহার Subject যদি Third Person Singular Number হয়, তবে Verb - এর সহিত 'S' বা 'es' যোগ হবে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. My mother (to go) to Dhaka.
                 Ans. My mother goes to Dhaka.
2. The man seldom (smoke).
Ans. The man seldom smokes.
3. Rahima (play) everyday.
Ans. Rahima plays everyday.

Rule - 2  :- Past point of time (নির্দিষ্ট অতীত সময়) উল্লেখ থাকলে (যথা : Last, yesterday, long ago, long since) Past Indefinite Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I (to receive) your letter yesterday.
        Ans. I received your letter yesterday.
      2. He (to come) home long ago.
Ans. He came home long ago.
3. I (see) a tiger yesterday.
Ans. I saw a tiger yesterday.

Rule - 3  :- Since এবং Ago এই দুটি Adverb - এর পূর্ববর্তী Verb 'Past Indefinite Tense' হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. He (to see) him long since.
Ans. He saw him long since.
2. He (to go) to school two weeks ago.
Ans. He went to school two weeks ago.
3. He (go) out ten minutes ago.
Ans. He went out ten minutes ago.

Rule - 4  :- Since যদি বাক্যের মধ্যে Conjunction রূপে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে পূর্ববর্তী Clause -  এর Verb - এর Present Tense হয় এবং পরবর্তী Clause -  এর Verb সর্বদাই Past Indefinite Tense হয়। তবে বাক্যের প্রথম Clause অন্য যে কোনো Tense - এ হতে পারে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. Two years have passed since his mother (to die).
Ans. Two years have passed since his mother died.
2. Five years (to pass) since I meet you last.
Ans. Five years have passed since I met you last.
3. It is many years since I (to see) him.
Ans. It is many years since I saw him.

Rule - 5  :- Period of Time (কিছুকাল ব্যাপিয়া) - এর পূর্বে For এবং Point of Time (নির্দিষ্ট সময়) - এর পূর্বে Since বসে এবং ইহাদের পূর্বের Verb টি  (i) Perfect Continuous Tense বা (ii) বাক্যটির গঠন নিম্নরূপ হবে : Sub + LV (Linking Verb) + Adj.
🔹যেমন :- 1. It (to rain) since morning.
Ans. It has been raining since morning.
2. Karim (to be) absent since Sunday.
Ans. Karim has been absent since Sunday.
3. Sajid (to be) ill for about a fortnight.
Ans. Sajid has been ill for about a fortnight.
3. It (to rain) for three days.
Ans. It has been raining for three days.

Rule - 6  :- Past Indefinite Tense - এর বাক্যটিতে Interrogative বাক্যে পরিণত করবার সময় Did কে Subject - এর পূর্বে বসিয়ে মূল Verb টিকে Present Tense করতে হবে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. Did you (to buy) the book yesterday ?
Ans. Did you buy the book yesterday ?
2. How did he (to go) to school ?
Ans. How did he go to school ?

Rule - 7  :- Past Indefinite Tense - এর Negative বাক্যে Did not - এর পরে মূল Verb - এর Present Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. He did not (to lend) me his pen.
Ans. He did not lend me his pen.
2. Sahid did not (to see) the bird.
Ans. Sahid did not see the bird.

Rule - 8  :- Before - এর পূর্বে এবং After - এর পরে Past Perfect Tense  ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং অন্যটি Past Indefinite Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. The patient (to die) before the doctor came.
Ans. The patient had died before the doctor came.
2. The patient died after the doctor (to come).
Ans. The patient died after the doctor had come.
3. The doctor came after the patient (to die).
Ans. The doctor came after the patient had died.

Rule - 9  :- Having - এর পর মূল Verb - এর Past Participle হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I went out having (to write) something.
Ans. I went out having written something.
2. Having (to finish) the work I shall go to school.
Ans. Having finished the work I shall go to school.

Rule - 10  :- একটি বাক্যে দুটি Verb থাকলেে এবং এই দুটির কোনো একটি Noun - এর অবস্থা বোঝালে সেই Verb টি Participle করতে হয়, অর্থাৎ Verb টির সহিত "ing" যুক্ত হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I saw the bird (to sit) on the roof.
Ans. I saw the bird sitting on the roof.

*** এই Sentence - এ দুটি Verb, যথা :- 'saw' এবং 'sit' সুতরাং নিয়মানুযায়ী  দ্বিতীয় Verb 'sit' - এর Present Participle (sitting) হয়েছে।
🔹যেমন :- 2. I saw the boy (to come).
Ans. I saw the boy coming.
3. Would you mind (to pen) the window ?
Ans. Would you mind opening the window ?
4. The old sailor saw a ship (come) towards them.
Ans. The old sailor saw a ship coming towards them.
5. I heard him (to say) this.
Ans. I heard him saying this.

Rule - 11  :- Habit (অভ্যাস), Historic Present (ঐতিহাসিক বর্তমান), Universal truth (চিরসত্য ঘটনা) বোঝালে সব সময় Present Indefinite Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. He (to speak) in English.
Ans. He speaks in English.
2. Akbar (to conquer) Gujrat.
Ans. Akbar conquers Gujrat.
3. The sun (to rise) in the East.
Ans. The sun rises in the East.
4. The earth (to move) round the sun.
Ans. The earth moves round the sun.
5. The virtuous (be) always happy.
Ans. The virtuous are always happy.

Rule - 12  :- Sentence - এর প্রথমে Were, Had বা If থাকলে এবং ইচ্ছাসূচক অর্থ প্রকাশ করলে সর্বশেষ Subject - এর পর Auxiliary Verb "Would have" বসে এবং পরবর্তী মূল Verb - এর Past Participle হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. Had I been a king, I (help) the poor. (যদি আমি রাজা হতাম)
Ans. Had I been a king, I would have helped the poor. (আমি যদি রাজা হতাম তবে গরীবদের সাহায্য করতাম)

*** এই Sentence - এ সর্বপ্রথম  Had বসে if (যদি) এর ন্যায় অর্থাৎ ইচ্ছাসূচক অর্থ প্রকাশ করছে। সুতরাং সর্বশেষ বা দ্বিতীয় Subject "I" - এর পর 'Would have' যোগ হয়েছে এবং মূল Verb 'help' এর Past Participle 'helped' হয়েছে।
🔹যেমন :- 2. If you had read the book, you (to learn) many things.
Ans. If you had read the book, you would have learned many things.
3. If I (try), I would have succeeded.
Ans. If I tried, I would have succeded.
4. If I were a bird, I (to fly) in the sky.
Ans. If I were a bird, I would have flown in the sky.

Rule - 13  :-  That দ্বারা দুটি অতীত কার্য যুক্ত হলে পরবর্তী বাক্যটি Past Perfect Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. Sabnam said that she (to go) home.
Ans. Sabnam said that she had gone home.
2. Rahim said that he (to do) the work.
Ans. Rahim said that he had done the work.

Rule - 14  :- No sooner............. than দ্বারা দুটি Clause যুক্ত হলে No sooner দ্বারা যে Clause শুরু হয়, এতে Verb -এর Past Perfect Tense হয় এবং পরেরটি Past Indefinite Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. No sooner had the teacher entered the class than we all (to stand) up.
Ans. No sooner had the teacher entered the class than we all stood up.
2. No sooner had he reached than we (to start) the meeting.
Ans. No sooner had he reached than we started the meeting.

Rule - 15  :- অতীতে কোনো কাজ শেষ হয়েছে এইরূপ বিশ্বাস বা অনুমান হলে, Verb - এর Future Perfect Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. You will have (to receive) the news.
Ans. You will have received the news.

Rule - 16  :- সকল Person - এ Verb - এর পূর্বে Should হয়, যখন বক্তা প্রয়োজন, ইচ্ছা, অনুমান, সম্ভাবনা প্রকাশ করতে চায়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. We worked hard that we (to pass).
Ans. We worked hard that we should pass.
2. We (to sign) the agreement.
Ans. We should sign the agreement.

Rule - 17  :- দুটি ভবিষ্যৎ ঘটনা একটি অপরটির পূর্বে ঘটলে যে ঘটনা বর্ণনা করতে Before, After, When, as soon as প্রভৃতি দ্বারা শুরু  করতে হয়, এর বর্ণনায় Verb - এর Present Indefinite Tense ব্যবহার করতে হয়  এবং অন্যটি Future Indefinite Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I shall buy a book when I (to go) to the market.
Ans. I shall buy a book when I go to the market.
2. After you (to leave), I shall write some letters.
Ans. After you leave, I shall write some letters.
3. They will go to school before the first lesson (to begin).
Ans. They will go to school before the first lesson begins.

Rule - 18  :- (a) 'After' দ্বারা দুটি Clause সংযুক্ত হলে পূর্ববর্তীটি (i) Present Indefinite Tense কিংবা (ii) Future Indefinite Tense হলে পরেরটি Present Perfect Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. He goes there after I (to return) home.
Ans. He goes there after I have returned home.
2. I always wash my face after (to get) up.
Ans. I always wash my face after I have got up.

*** উপরের উদাহরণ দুটিতে 'After' - এর পূর্ববর্তী Clause 'Present Indefinite Tense' হওয়ায় নিয়মানুসারে পরবর্তী Clause 'Present Perfect Tense' - এ হয়েছে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I shall read in a college after I (left) school.
Ans. I shall read in a college after I have left school.
2. The children will play a game after they (to do) their home-task.
Ans. The children will play a game after they have done their home-task.

(b) দুটি Clause - এর প্রথম Clause টি 'After' দ্বারা শুরু হলে প্রথমটি Present Perfect Tense হয় এবং শেষেরটি Present Indefinite Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- After the children (to go) to bed, she always (to tell) them a story.
Ans. After the children have gone to bed, she always tells them a story.

Rule - 19  :- (a) When দ্বারা দুটি Clause যুক্ত হলে পূর্ববর্তীটি Future Indefinite বা Present Indefinite Tense হয় এবং শেষেরটি Present Perfect Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I shall write a letter when I (to read) this book.
Ans. I shall write a letter when I have read this book.
2. I shall read in class six when I (to left) class five.
Ans. I shall read in class six when I have left class five.
3. I clean my teeth when I (to get) up.
Ans. I clean my teeth when I have got up.
4. The boys are usually tired when they (play) a game.
Ans. The boys are usually tired when they have played a game.

(b) দুটি Clause - এর প্রথম Clause টি When দ্বারা শুরু হলে এবং প্রথমটি Present Perfect Tense হলে, শেষেরটি Present Indefinite Tense বা Future Indefinite Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. When you have reached the field , we shall (to start) the match.
Ans. When you have reached the field, we shall start the match.
2. When Rashid had spent all his money, he always (to write) home for money.
Ans. When Rashid has spent all his money, he always writes home for money.

Rule - 20  :- অভ্যাস, অতীতের স্থির প্রতিজ্ঞা কিংবাা মাঝে  মাঝে করণীয় অনিয়মিত কাজ বোঝাতে সকল Person - এর সহিত Principle Verb - এর পূর্বে Would বসাতে হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I (to take) tea very often.
Ans. I would take tea very often.
2. While I (to go) to Sirajganj, I (to go) to the college.
Ans. While I would go to Sirajganj, I would go to the college.

Rule - 21  :- As if দ্বারা দুটি Clause সংযুক্ত হলে প্রথমটি Present Tense ও পরবর্তীটি Past Indefinite Tense হয় এবং সকল ক্ষেত্রে Were বসে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. He walks slowly as if he (to be) ill.
Ans. He walks slowly as if he were ill.
2. He talks as if he (to be) mad.
Ans. He talks as if he were mad.

Rule - 22  :- 'If' দ্বারা কোন বাক্যাংশ শুরু হলে কিংবা 'If' দ্বারা দুটি Clause যুক্ত হলে 'If' এর সাহায্যে যে বাক্যটি  শুরু হবে সেটি Present Indefinite Tense এবং অন্যটি Future Indefinite Tense হবে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. If it (to rain), It will be cool tomorrow.
Ans. If it rains, it will be cool tomorrow.
2. He will understand you, if you (to speak) slowly.
Ans. He will understand you, if you speak slowly.
3. If you play in the rain, you (catch) cold.
Ans. If you play in the rain, you will catch cold.

Rule - 23  :- Has, have, had ও be এই সমস্ত Auxiliary Verb - এর পর মূল Verb - এর Past Participle হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I have (to see) ten deer.
Ans. I have seen ten deer.
2. I have (to paint) the house.
Ans. I have painted the house.
3. The ancient mariner had (to show) a true love for all living beings.
Ans. The ancient mariner had shown a true love for all living beings.
4. I was too young to have (learn) to say 'no' to a woman.
Ans. I was too young to have learned to say 'no' to a woman.

Rule - 24  :- Without - এর পর মূল Verb - এর সহিত ing যোগ করতে হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I cannot go without (to know) her.
Ans. I cannot go without knowing her.
2. I should be sorry to leave Paris without (have) some of them.
Ans. I should be sorry to leave Paris without having some of them.

Rule - 25  :- ইচ্ছাসূচক Sentence - এ সকল Person ও সকল বচনে were বসে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I wish, I (be) a poet.
Ans. I wish, I were a poet.
2. I wish, I (be) dead.
Ans. I wish, I were dead.

Rule - 26  :- বাক্যের প্রথমে Wish (ইচ্ছা) থাকলে অর্থাৎ ইচ্ছাসূচক Sentence - এর মূল Verb - এর Past Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I wish, I (sing).
Ans. I wish, I sang.
2. I wish, I (to do)
Ans. I wish, I did.

Rule - 27  :- Preposition 'of, for, on' ইত্যাদির পরবর্তী Verb - এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I never thought of (go) there.
Ans. I never thought of going there.

Rule - 28  :- বন্ধনীর মধ্যে 'be' থাকলেে, 'be' - এর পরিবর্তে am/is/are/was/were বসে। অর্থাৎ, প্রশ্ন বাক্যের কর্তা Singular হলে Verb to be /Verb singular হয় এবং কর্তা Plural হলে Verb to be/Verb Plural হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. The legs of the table (be) broken.
Ans. The legs of the table are broken.
2. The rich (be) not always happy.
Ans. The rich are not always happy.
3. Honesty (be) the best policy.
Ans. Honesty is the best policy.
4. Whom (be) you speaking to ?
Ans. Whom were you speaking to ?
         Whom are you speaking to ?
5. His eyes (be) fixed upon Della.
Ans. His eyes were fixed upon Della.
6. The teacher of English of my sister (to be) a gentle man.
Ans. The teacher of English of my sister is a gentle man.

Rule - 29  :- Be Verb অর্থাৎ am, is, are, was, were ইত্যাদির পর Passive Voice - এর মূল Verb - এর Past Participle হয়। কিন্তু Passive Voice - এ সব সময় 'by' উল্লেখ থাকেনা।
🔹যেমন :- 1. English is (to speak) in many parts of the world.
Ans. English is spoken in many parts of the world.
2. Rome was not (to build) in a day.
Ans. Rome was not built in a day.
3. He is (to call) a stupid.
Ans. He is called a stupid.
4. I am (to tell) that he is truthful.
Ans. I am told that he is truthful.

Rule - 30  :- 'Let' এর পর Verb সব সময় Present Indefinite Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. Let us all (to go) enjoy the circus.
Ans. Let us all go enjoy the circus.
2. I let the other boys (to use) it.
Ans. I let the other boys use it.
3. My doctor would not let me (to drink) anything but champagne.
Ans. My doctor would not let me drink anything but champagne.

Rule - 31  :- Might, could, should, would - এর সহিত Verb - এর Present Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. He might (to help) them.
Ans. He might help them.

Rule - 32  :- নির্দিষ্ট সংখ্যাবাচক Subject - এর Verb Singular Number হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. Fifty cents of it (be) in pennies.
Ans. Fifty cents of it was in pennies.
2. Thirty miles (be) a long distance.
Ans. Thirty miles is a long distance.

Rule - 33  :- 'Just' শব্দের সহিত সাধারণত : Present Perfect Tense হয় এবং Subject - এর পরে has/have বসে এবং Verb - এর Participle হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I just (to see) the bird in the field.
Ans. I have just seen the bird in the field.
2. He just (to finish) writing the letter.
Ans. He has just finished writing the letter.
3. They appear as though they have just (arrive) from a distant land.
Ans. They appear as though they have just arrived from a distant land.
4. We just (move) to a new house.
Ans. I have just received your letter.

Rule - 34  :- বাক্যে (Sentence - এ) Infinitive (to সহ verb) - এর পূর্বে go verb থাকলে এই verb টি Present Continuous Tense হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I (go) to buy a motor-bike.
Ans. I am going to buy a motor-bike.
2. What you (go) to drink then ?
Ans. What are you going to drink then ?

Rule - 35  :- Interrogative বাক্যে Why, what, when, where, whom, how প্রভৃতির সহিত Present Tense - এ Auxiliary Verb হিসাবে একবচনে does এবং বহুবচনে do বসবে। আবার Past Tense - এ did বসবে।
                   Present Continuous Tense - এর সহিত am, is, are এবং Past Continuous Tense - এর সহিত was, were যোগ করতে হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. Why Mr. Raju (look) so angry ?
Ans. Why does Mr. Raju look so angry ?

*** এই Sentence এ 'look' Present Indefinite Tense এবং 'Raju' Third Person Singular Number কাজেই  Why - এর পর  does বসেছে।

2. Why they (to go) there yesterday?
Ans. Why did they go there yesterday ?
3. Why you (crying)?
Ans. Why are you crying ?
4. What you going (to drink) then ?
Ans. What are you going to drink then ?

Rule - 36  :- (a) Compound বা Complex Sentence - এ একটি Clause Past Tense হলে, অপর Clause টিও Past Tense হবে।
🔹যেমন :-  1. A soft wind came and (blow) the ship gently back to harbour.
Ans. A soft wind came and blew the ship gently back to harbour.
2. As I (to go) to school, I could not play.
Ans. As I went to school, I could not play.

(b) Compound Sentence - এর একটি Clause Past Tense হলেও, অপর Clause যদি Universal Truth (চিরন্তন সত্য) হয়, তখন Past Tense না হয়ে Present Tense ই হবে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. The teacher said that the earth (to go) round the sun.
Ans. The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.
2. The old man said that honesty (to be) the best policy.
Ans. The old man said that honesty is the best policy.

Rule - 37  :- Present Perfect Tense - এ মূল Verb - এর পূর্বে Has বা Have বসবে এবং মূল Verb - এর Past Participle হবে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. I have never (to visit) the zoo.
Ans. I have never visited the zoo.
2. He has (to eat) rice.
Ans. He has eaten rice.

Rule - 38  :- Past Perfect Tense - এ Subject এর পর সাহায্যকারী Verb 'had' বসে এবং মূল Verb - এর  Past Participle হয়। 'Before' উল্লেখ থাকলে before এর পূর্বের অংশে had বসে এবং 'after' উল্লেখ থাকলে after এর পরের অংশে had বসে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. The doctor (to arrive) before the patient died.
Ans. The doctor had arrived before the patient died.
2. The train left the station after they (to reach).
Ans. The train left the station after they had reached.
3. We (reach) the station before the train leaves.
Ans. We had reached the station before the train left.

Rule - 39  :- প্রশ্নবোধক বাক্যে Present Tense - এ does এবং do বসে এবং Past Tense এ did  বসে, Future Tense - এ Shall বা Will বসে।
🔹যেমন :- 1. When you (to play) in the field ?
Ans. When do you play in the field ?
2. Where you (to go) yesterday?
Ans. Where did you go yesterday?
3. When you (to go) to market tomorrow?
Ans. When will you go to market tomorrow?

Rule - 40  :- 'Need' model verb হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হলে, কোনো অবস্থাতেই এই ক্রিয়াপদটির সহিত 'S' যুক্ত হবেনা।
🔹যেমন :- 1. The old man (need) not work all day long.
Ans. The old man need not work all day long.
2. He (to need) not wait for me.
Ans. He need not wait for me.

Rule - 41  :- কাল্পনিক অতীতকাল বা Imaginary Past Tense - এর ক্ষেত্রে ক্রিয়াপদ সর্বদাই Past Form হয়।
🔹যেমন :- It is high time you (to take) the medicine.
Ans. It is high time you took the medicine.

Rule - 42  :- Sentence - এর মধ্যে 'never, everyday, regularly' এই সকল Adverb থাকলে সাধারণত : Present Indefinite Tense হয়। Present Indefinite Tense - এর Subject যদি Third Person Singular Number হয়, তবে Verb - এর সহিত 'S' বা 'es' যোগ করতে হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. He never (to swim) in the pond.
Ans. He never swims in the pond.
2. He never (to eat) meat.
Ans. He never eats meat.
3. Mahamuda (play) everyday.
Ans. Mahamuda plays everyday.
4. A good boy (to learn) his lesson regularly.
Ans. A good boy learns his lesson regularly.

Rule - 43  :- Sentence - এর মধ্যে 'Now' Adverb টি থাকলে, ওটি Present Continuous Tense হয়। Present Continuous Tense - এ Subject - এর পর am, is, are বসে এবং মূল Verb এর সহিত 'ing' যোগ করতে হয়।
🔹যেমন :- 1. Where you (go) now ?
Ans. Where are you going now ?
2. Sayed (go) to college now.
Ans. Sayed is going to college now.
3. He (read) a novel now.
Ans. He is reading a novel now.

▪️File Name  :- Right Forms of Verbs                                                Rules with Examples
▪️Language  :- Bengali/English
▪️Size  :- 103 kb
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